Set up made simple
Instantly set up new properties with configurable rules for inter-entity transactions, bank accounts, and more. With Intacct, you can have new entities inherit your existing lists, process definitions, and charts of accounts. Or you can easily configure each new entity with unique definitions. If you want to centralize payables and receivables, you can. If you want to have multiple charts of accounts, you can. You make the rules, Intacct makes it easy.
Quick consolidations, quick close
Perform financial consolidations with a simple push of a button, so you can close the books faster and view interim summary figures at any time. Intacct produces a detailed journal entry report for every consolidation, giving you auditability. Your financial statements are ready when you are, and closing the books has never been this effortless.
Fast, flexible reporting
Get fast, accurate financial reports, regardless of your casino’s complexity. With Intacct’s consolidation accounting, you can quickly compare performance across entities. You can choose your reporting currency and language. You can tailor local account titles to fit local regulations. And you can easily switch between consolidated and local views for further insight into the figures.
Manage multiple entities with ease March 17th, 2015lindan