Casino Financial Management
Most casino accounting packages were designed before the internet, smartphones, tablets, and the cloud. CasinoEdge powered by Intacct is different. It was created in the age of the internet and takes advantage of all the benefits that come from modern technology
Daily Flash reporting from any device
Pre-configured and powerful financial reporting and charts including daily flash reports available from any device, anytime.Get the Insight you need.
Streamlined Revenue Audit
When revenue audit is complete for the day, simply click a button to post detailed daily data from across the entire property, it is that easy!

Automated Processes
Automated financial processes that are mobile enabled which means that approval authorities can approve purchases, bill payments, check requests, and employee expenses anywhere, anytime. Become more efficient
Built in the Cloud
Give your casino the advantages of a modern cloud financial solution: lower cost, more productivity, and more security. See how.
Manage multiple properties with ease
With JE Casino Edge powered by Intacct, it is easy to manage the financials for multiple locations and entities, whether your casino structure is simple or complex, domestic or global. Make Growth Easier